“Dr Kristy Lau, NHS locum GP and one of the GPs behind the study said: “In the UK, self-employed women continue to receive 90 percent less maternity pay in the…
Self-employed mothers urge Government to deal with maternity pay inequality
Self-employed mothers urge Government to deal with maternity pay inequality阅读全文 #MaternityPayEquality
Self-employed mums say they are being forced to go back to work a day after …
The ‘Six Weeks Support’ campaign is now urging the Government to review their maternity policy. They say the difference in pay is leaving some new mothers who run their own…
The pitiful maternity allowance triggered my postnatal anxiety
...The GPDQ group is campaigning to raise awareness of this six-week difference and have started a petition.Dr Kristy Lau, NHS locum GP and one of the founding GPs behind GPDQ…
We’ve learnt to love our lines: The women celebrating their stretch marks by turning them into body
Dr Kristy Lau claims younger skin is more prone to developing stretchmarksStretchmarks occur from loss of elasticity caused by changes in size and shape Five women shared why they've decided to…
‘Six Weeks Support’: Why self-employed mums deserve equal maternity pay
Dr Kristy Lau, NHS locum GP and one of the founding GPs behind the doctor-on-demand-app GPDQ explains why the campaign can make a difference. “In the UK, self-employed women continue…
A GP dispels 3 common smear test myths you really need to stop believing
Dr Kristy Lau offers some reassuring advice on why you shouldn't delay getting tested.阅读全文