About HPV Vaccine

The HPV vaccine, also known as the human papillomavirus vaccine, is a vaccine that provides protection against certain strains of the human papillomavirus. HPV is a group of viruses that can infect the genital area, mouth, and throat, and is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Some strains of HPV can lead to various health issues, including genital warts and certain types of cancers.

The HPV vaccine works by stimulating the immune system to produce antibodies against specific strains of the virus. This helps the body fight off an HPV infection and can prevent the associated health problems. There are several different types of HPV vaccines available, and they target different strains of the virus.

The primary focus of the HPV vaccine is to prevent cervical cancer in females and other related cancers in both males and females. The vaccine is most effective when administered before a person becomes sexually active and is exposed to HPV.

HPV Vaccine Schedule and Administration

A 3 dose schedule is recommended, with the second and third dose given 1 month and 4-6 months after the first dose respectively. All 3 doses should be given within a 12-month period.

When it is not suitable

  • People who have an allergy to yeast
  • People who are pregnant
  • People who have ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction to any ingredient of an HPV vaccine

What are the possible side effects?

Most people who get HPV vaccine experience no side effects at all. Some people report having very mild side effects. The most common side effects of HPV vaccine include:

  • Pain, redness or swelling in the arm where the shot was given
  • Fever
  • Headache or feeling tired
  • Nausea
  • Muscle of joint pain